Can Happen Print ad for UC Med Center |
This is a print ad produced for the University of California San Francisco Orthopaedic Institute. The idea is that very different kinds of people can sustain the same injuries. We shot at 4th Street Studios, with Mel Lindstrom behind the camera working his magic. I'm the daisy cuddler. |
In the dressing room getting final touches. |
I felt a bit complimented because the original audition notice asked for a grandma, I applied, auditioned, got the job, and it was changed to gardener instead of grandma. Well, my time as grandma will come soon enough. And I was paired with Kenneth Alexander, an actual basketball player. Though the kinds of things our bodies do are very different, we can actually sustain very similar injuries. I can't wait to see the ads which will be appearing in the Chronicle and to see what the injuries are. |
On the set. |
Sorry about the quality of these stills. My little, very old, Sony needs a tune up. But were it not for this trusty little companion, I'd have little to show for this really fun and interesting day. I posed with Kenneth while holding the symbolic sunflower, a bunch of carrots and even a small bouquet of garden flowers. We tried all kinds of interplay and by the end of the shoot were really getting into the groove, making all kinds of noises at each other in our efforts to emote. Kenneth is now in Vancouver, having joined a professional team there. Best of luck to him. | Mel in his milieu. |
Okay, I'm impressed. |
And a good time was had by all. |
Best of luck to Kenneth. |