In Search of Lovecraft
Written & directed by David J. Hohl
available at

All suited up in my straightjacket.

It seems that horror writer H.P. Lovecraft didn't just imagine the characters in his books, but dreamed them and believed that his dreams were really portals from which he could see the true battle between the dark forces and those who would save the world from evil. Many people have become his followers and cults have formed around Lovecraft and his works.

"In Search of Lovecraft" uses this premise. A young TV reporter who only wanted to do a Halloween feature gets in a lot deeper than she expected when she follows her leads into the Lovecraft mythos. She (Renee Sweet), her cameraman (Tytus Bergstrom)and intern (Denise Amri Khas) follow a story none of them have any belief in... until it's too late.

We're getting to me. In the course of her research, the reporter interviews me. My grandmother made a documentary film back in the 1930's which actually captured evil in action, including her own demonic possession and her slaughtering her own husband. My character had seen the film, which has since been lost, and it drove her mad. Ergo the demented makeup. It may not have been a very productive interview, but it scared the bejesus out of the characters, and I was told, out of the cast and crew. Or were they just pandering to a mad woman? See the trailer on YouTube.

My scene takes place at a Convalescent Center way out on Mission --
as isolated as any horror location I can think of.
The covered windows at the far right are my room's.

We all had to keep in mind that there were real patients in this facility,
and seeing a woman in a straightjacket screaming that a skinless,
evil man with hooves and many mouths was coming after her
might be a bit upsetting.

Director David Hohl goes over his notes
at the side entrance to the hospital

First scene of the day - reporter, intern, cameraman escorted
by doctor to my room, even though not seen in this photo.

That shot takes place while
I get the final makeup touches
in the laundramat next door.