Losers Tarr's legal representation, found through Los Angeles court records, is now: James T. Hudson, Esq. (SBN 43436) This lawyer represented the Tarrs in a dispute between landlord and tenants (Tarrs). Tarrs trying to get some cash for alleged mold, etc. Michale Tarr's email is Tarr.Michael@gmail.com Michael has another company now, solar panels, which is a type of company known for being rife with scammers. For
those of you who want to be listed among the aggrieved parties to the
Family Tarr or get the latest info on them, here's a website with info: By the way, Michael Tarr is a common name. Be sure you don't blackball the wrong one. For instance there's a Mich E A Tarr in Phoenix who may be feeling the brunt of bad Tarr karma. Check out his letter on the bottom of this page. Also, Michael Raymond Tarr of Playa Vista, CA, born in 1975, is NOT this Tarr. |
![]() Confab shortly before we shoot. |
This was supposed to be a break-through film because it was written and directed by a 15 year old boy. Jeremy Tarr was raised in Los Angeles by a father who was somehow connected to the "biz," Michael Tarr. But for some reason, the family relocated to San Francisco while trying to remain in the biz. Already I'm suspicious. No matter. So, Jeremy writes a film about a college professor who has been engaged to his fiance for 7 years and still hasn't gotten any sex. I play the virgin fiance. The hero of this story finally breaks down and goes to a prostitute, has sex with her in very subdued light, finds out she is one of his troublesome students and kills her. Now, did Jeremy get in over his head? |
Here our hero, played by Karl-Heinz Teuber, brings me flowers. Sorry, K.H., that ain't gonna get you nukkie! Why is my character a premenapausal virgin? Why does this middle-aged male put up with the situation? Why did Jeremy select subject matter of which he had no empirical knowledge? Ah, but that was the least of the problems. | ![]() Carl Heinz and I act out yet another problem in our relationship. Note picture of his mother between us - oh, the symbolism. Also note the specter of Jeremy in the mirror. |
![]() About to shoot another take. I will be very upset when the cameras roll, but for now, I can laugh. |
Preparing for the scene in which K.H. returns home to me after just having murdered a hapless student/prostitute because she was going to tattle on him to the Dean. Often, the shoot would be interrupted by local newspaper reporters who wanted to interview the pubescent director who was making his first feature film. This was going to blow the lid off the wunderkind concept. Fifteen years old and directing a feature about very adult topics he, himself, had written. No one asked him, "What do you know about prostitution, university life in front of and behind the teacher's desk, 7-year-long relationships between middle aged virgins, abuse and murder of women?" I guess his dad didn't oversee his television viewing. |
Actors in San Francisco don't ask for much. We are often willing to work for free, and do the very best we can in our craft without complaint. In return, we get fed while working (and that's not why we do it), and are promised a copy of the film on videotape or DVD so that we can develop our demo reel or at least have some proof that we did, in fact, participate in a film project. Jeremy and his dad had us all sign contracts, of which we never received a copy. We were promised we'd get a copy of the film when it was done. Here is where tenacity is sometimes sorely tested. Kudos to Karl-Heinz who was finally able to get his copy of the film after a year of tracking the Tarrs down after they moved back to L.A. He called and wrote numerous times and not only received a copy of the film, but they gave him a desk and told him it once belonged to Stewart Granger. That's it for all repayment to anyone on this film. After several years, I heard from the Tarrs, through their attorney. They are willing to give me a copy of the film if I clean up this site..... or else! I didn't clean up this site; they didn't send me a copy of the movie (it wasn't in the contract). |
I count myself lucky in that working in this film didn't cost me anything except long hard hours of memorizing, rehearsing, endless improvisations, and shooting days. Not all the actors and crew were as fortunate as myself. Good buddy Bruce Goodchild not only got the part of the College Dean who browbeats Karl Heinz into frantic, ill-advised action, but he was engaged to be the production photographer. Bruce laid out a few hundred dollars in film for the project and naively gave the photos to Michael Tarr with an invoice. The photos were gratefully accepted, no money was ever paid for the agreed-upon fee for photographic work and costs of film and processing. And his part was cut to just a couple of out-of-focus seconds. |
Years ago, I heard that Jeremey
was to direct his second film, "Living on Neon Dreams," in England, no,
Germany, no, South Africa, no, Budapest. The press was waiting for
his appearance in Cape Town for more interviews, but he never showed. He was in his
mid-20's at the time. As the time for shooting approached and passed, still no
Jeremy. I have been contacted by many people looking for the Tarrs: a
journalist in South Africa as well as many creditors. The Tarrs have moved
from South Africa to London to Germany to Budapest, Hungary, and now, courageously, California
This second film, once claimed in several sites as his first film, was
never made. It should be noted that MGM has no connection with Living
Neon Dreams, even though the Tarrs claimed connection with this companyh while courting backers. Losers does not appear anywhere but here and YouTuibe as having ever
existed. |
Many years have passed since this film was shot. But amazingly, I got an email from Jeremy Tarr's mother, Dale, on 10/8/04. And here it is, unedited. Dear Bonnie, |
![]() Dale at the after-the-wrap party |
And my response: Hi Dale, |
Seems the Tarrs have a much more colorful life than just the production of "Losers." Many have worked for, and then tried to find the Tarrs reegarding payment, and this is a collection of info on their past location. The latest info is that they have unashamedly retuned yet again to Southern Cal. Dated
2/15/07 (no longer there) "The
Budapest address was correct. In fact, Micheal had a whole bunch of people
over to start on production as people were being flown from all over the
world. Again, not a single soul was being paid. It was 'we're just waiting
for a deal to close.' Everyone could eat lavishly in this decadent hotel
which obviously in the end was left with a debt of over $200,000 when
I left... probably more as time amassed. Also, at the time of leaving,
it became obvious that there were production crew who were still working
under the pretense of getting paid: PR executives, Line Producers, Accountants,
Digital Artists, Admin....hundreds of thousands of dollars... I have deleted the old info on South Africa, Berlin, Hungary, England, Germany.... |
Copied this from Wikipedia.org on 9/18/06, since deleted.... "Living Neon Dreams is a film written and directed by Jeremy Tarr. It is a modern adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. The film has been in the planning stages since at least 2005 but is now in pre-production and set for a 2007 release. It was due to star Marilyn Manson but the delays meant he ended up leaving for another Alice-based production, Phantasmagoria. The project has acquired a certain degree of notoriety having over the years hired, and then failed to pay, a large number of people, who have now become disgruntled creditors. For this reason alone, sadly it is unlikely never to hit the screen." Almost all postings about this film have been deleted and it has never been shot. - editor. |
A letter from a person who dealt with the Tarrs: "I had
to laugh when I did a websearch for Michael Tarr and found your site today--
classic! Did you ever do a paper trail on this guy before he did his shoot
in San Francisco-- the house in Malibu and the shipping company and the
chapter 7 bankruptcy before he hit town- lol, I still have all that stuff
somewhere. I remember calling him on it when he was trying to get that
film out of our lab (his story was "the bank loan will clear tomorrow--
distribs need the film today, blah, blah, blah)-- I still have the enraged
fax he sent me shortly after changing his entire position-- LOL "He
never got the film out of the lab here-- I recall getting involved with
our lab manager when he kept pushing us to release a print, but hadn't
come through with any money. I ran a D&B on he and Mrs. T, and found
they were fresh off a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in So Cal, which was, errrr....
a bit different than the story he was giving us-- might have made it a
wee bit tough to get that ol' bank loan he said was coming in for junior's
film "any day now". Dunn and Bradstreet supplied me with copies
of his Chapter 7 filing, and I even went as far as to speak w Terri Lucoff
and some others he had burned down South before leaving his creditors
holding the bag. |
From a former Associate: Tarr's tricks go back
a lot further than 7 years... try two decades! |
And another Hi |
My name is
Micheal Kenneth Tarr, not the same person as your con artist or even remotely
related. Notice my first name is spelled slightly different. I was wondering
if you would please be willing to put a note somewhere on your page clarifying
that there are other "Michael Tarr"s out there. I believe I have
been Googled for jobs and if this sight has been popping up on their search,
it's no wonder I can't get one. It would be great if you could put it close
to the top of the page so that they don't see it and just assume I'm the
same person. I'm 24 and I live in Phoenix, Arizona, and have lived here
since I was 9. I served 2 years in the military, and now I'm just trying
to get by. But for some reason, no one will hire me, and I'm having trouble
eating and paying for rent and gas. Also, I have always wanted to get into
the film business someday, but thanks to this loser ruining my name, I probably
will never have any hope of doing so. Anyway, If you could help me out,
I would be greatly appreciative. My myspace page is www.myspace.com/jathgmr
. It has some pix on it you can see who I am, so you know it's not this
other Michael Tarr.
Have a great day. -Mike |