The Plot to Kill Reagan
Directed by Mike Loades
Written by Martin Gillam
Executive Producer - David Frank

This is a one hour episode in a series on assassins presented by The History Channel in the Spring of this year. It deals with the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley, Jr. I was cast as Jo Ann Hinckley, his mother.

Here are John, played by Robbie Henry, and Jo Ann, me, saying goodbye yet again. Seems John Hinckley was always getting started in some new career path, college, music, but never getting anyway and always coming back home to his parents who supplied him with love, support, advice or ultimatums, and money.

Director Mike Loades, left of camera, watches on with Director of Photographer, Yoram Astrakhan, right of camera and David Corona, First AD, as rain gear is put in place.

Some say that Jo Ann was responsible for John's schizophrenia. I disagree, not because I played her (I love playing the culprit), but because, first of all, parents don't cause schizophrenia (except genetically) and, secondly, because love (even "over protecting love") does not cause people to stalk movie stars and attempt to kill presidents. The worst young John could accuse his parents of was "not understanding him."

John was not abused, physically or emotionally. He was a victim of a brain chemical imbalance. And four men were victims of his gun play (all wounded).

With my family, including husband Jack, played by Scott Updegrave. Even a meal was a cause for arguments.
Boom was flawlessly operated by TJ Walkup in the shadows.

My POV of dinner with a better angle on Scott Updegrave.
Robbie was in character at all times; this is his smile.
Sound Engineer Matt Panson doing a great job.

John would spend days in his room playing Beatles music and fantasizing about Jodie Foster, played by Cassandra Clark, who has many scenes in this teleplay -- John stalking her at Princeton.

Jack has just given the word to John that he will be going to the
University of Texas and stopping this laying around doing nothing.
Left, I console John.

The wonderful Indigo Films crew setting up another shot.

John was always distant and incommunicative
-- a mother's frustration.

Here I'm reading a letter from John, all lies and fantasies,
and I suspect so, but try to keep a cheerful outlook.

Same scene behind the camera.

The real Jo Ann Hinckley.
Producer Josh Gingold said they weren't necessarily going for a Jo Ann Hinckley
look-alike, but a soft spoken, loving mother.

Dad Jack Hinckley is fed up and throws John out for the last time, telling him he's too old to be coming back home and asking for money. I am saying goodbye to John after driving him to the airport. It's a teary, uncomfortable farewell, and I pass him some cash.
Was Jo Ann such a terrible mother?

The tragic American family. After the last shot,
Robbie smiled, and I've got it documented right there.

Had to include a beauty shot of the Hi Def digital camera, the biggest
video camera I ever worked with. It made me feel validated as an actor.
I love this camera.
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